Special thanks
Sites referring to MegaLinter
Web Sites
- checkstyle
- clj-kondo
- cspell
- djlint
- dotenv-linter
- editorconfig-checker
- eslint
- eslint-plugin-jsonc
- hadolint
- htmlhint
- jscpd
- kics
- ktlint
- lintr
- markdown-link-check
- npm-groovy-lint
- npm-package-json-lint
- pmd
- rst-lint
- rstcheck
- rubocop
- scalafix
- secretlint
- stylelint
Open-source teams
MegaLinter obviously would not exist without its linters and libraries, so many thanks to all the dedicated Open-Source teams maintaining all these awesome linters !
Super-Linter team
MegaLinter has been built on the ashes of a rejected Pull Request on GitHub Super-Linter.
Even if I disagree with their decision to remain in bash, the core team has always been nice and supporting during the time I was a Super-Linter contributor :)