By default, Bicep linter errors are set as warnings. To customize linter settings,
use a bicepconfig.json
file. For more information, see the documentation for the Bicep Linter
bicep_linter documentation
- Version in MegaLinter: 0.17.1
- Visit Official Web Site
- See How to configure bicep_linter rules
- See How to disable bicep_linter rules in files
- See Index of problems detected by bicep_linter
Configuration in MegaLinter
- Enable bicep_linter by adding
in ENABLE_LINTERS variable - Disable bicep_linter by adding
Variable | Description | Default value |
BICEP_BICEP_LINTER_ARGUMENTS | User custom arguments to add in linter CLI call Ex: -s --foo "bar" |
BICEP_BICEP_LINTER_FILTER_REGEX_INCLUDE | Custom regex including filter Ex: (src\|lib) |
Include every file |
BICEP_BICEP_LINTER_FILTER_REGEX_EXCLUDE | Custom regex excluding filter Ex: (test\|examples) |
Exclude no file |
BICEP_BICEP_LINTER_CLI_LINT_MODE | Override default CLI lint mode - file : Calls the linter for each file- project : Call the linter from the root of the project |
file |
BICEP_BICEP_LINTER_FILE_EXTENSIONS | Allowed file extensions. "*" matches any extension, "" matches empty extension. Empty list excludes all filesEx: [".py", ""] |
[".bicep"] |
BICEP_BICEP_LINTER_FILE_NAMES_REGEX | File name regex filters. Regular expression list for filtering files by their base names using regex full match. Empty list includes all files Ex: ["Dockerfile(-.+)?", "Jenkinsfile"] |
Include every file |
BICEP_BICEP_LINTER_PRE_COMMANDS | List of bash commands to run before the linter | None |
BICEP_BICEP_LINTER_POST_COMMANDS | List of bash commands to run after the linter | None |
BICEP_BICEP_LINTER_DISABLE_ERRORS | Run linter but consider errors as warnings | false |
BICEP_BICEP_LINTER_DISABLE_ERRORS_IF_LESS_THAN | Maximum number of errors allowed | 0 |
BICEP_BICEP_LINTER_CLI_EXECUTABLE | Override CLI executable | ['bicep'] |
IDE Integration
Use bicep_linter in your favorite IDE to catch errors before MegaLinter !
IDE | Extension Name | Install | |
Visual Studio Code | VSCode Bicep | ![]() |
MegaLinter Flavours
This linter is available in the following flavours
Flavor | Description | Embedded linters | Info | |
![]() |
all | Default MegaLinter Flavor | 113 | |
dotnet | Optimized for C, C++, C# or VB based projects | 59 |
Behind the scenes
How are identified applicable files
- File extensions:
How the linting is performed
- bicep_linter is called one time by identified file (
CLI lint mode)
Example calls
# Bicep CLI
bicep build infra.bicep;
# Azure CLI
az bicep build -f infra.bicep
Help content
Bicep CLI version 0.17.1 (d423d61882)
bicep build [options] <file>
Builds a .bicep file.
<file> The input file
--outdir <dir> Saves the output at the specified directory.
--outfile <file> Saves the output as the specified file path.
--stdout Prints the output to stdout.
--no-restore Builds the bicep file without restoring external modules.
bicep build file.bicep
bicep build file.bicep --stdout
bicep build file.bicep --outdir dir1
bicep build file.bicep --outfile file.json
bicep build file.bicep --no-restore
bicep format [options] <file>
Formats a .bicep file.
<file> The input file
--outdir <dir> Saves the output at the specified directory.
--outfile <file> Saves the output as the specified file path.
--stdout Prints the output to stdout.
--newline Set newline char. Valid values are ( Auto | LF | CRLF | CR ).
--indentKind Set indentation kind. Valid values are ( Space | Tab ).
--indentSize Number of spaces to indent with (Only valid with --indentKind set to Space).
--insertFinalNewline Insert a final newline.
bicep format file.bicep
bicep format file.bicep --stdout
bicep format file.bicep --outdir dir1
bicep format file.bicep --outfile file.json
bicep format file.bicep --indentKind Tab
bicep decompile [options] <file>
Attempts to decompile a template .json file to .bicep.
<file> The input file
--outdir <dir> Saves the output at the specified directory.
--outfile <file> Saves the output as the specified file path.
--stdout Prints the output to stdout.
--force Allows overwriting the output file if it exists (applies only to 'bicep decompile').
bicep decompile file.json
bicep decompile file.json --stdout
bicep decompile file.json --outdir dir1
bicep decompile file.json --force
bicep decompile file.json --outfile file.bicep
bicep generate-params [options] <file>
Builds .parameters.json file from the given bicep file, updates if there is an existing parameters.json file.
<file> The input file
--no-restore Generates the parameters file without restoring external modules.
--outdir <dir> Saves the output at the specified directory.
--outfile <file> Saves the output as the specified file path.
--stdout Prints the output to stdout.
bicep generate-params file.bicep
bicep generate-params file.bicep --no-restore
bicep generate-params file.bicep --stdout
bicep generate-params file.bicep --outdir dir1
bicep generate-params file.bicep --outfile file.parameters.json
bicep publish <file> --target <ref>
Publishes the .bicep file to the module registry.
<file> The input file (can be a Bicep file or an ARM template file)
<ref> The module reference
--documentationUri Module documentation uri
--force Overwrite existing published module or file
bicep publish file.bicep --target
bicep publish file.bicep --target --force
bicep publish file.json --target
bicep publish file.json --target --documentationUri
bicep restore <file>
Restores external modules from the specified Bicep file to the local module cache.
<file> The input file
bicep [options]
--version -v Shows bicep version information
--help -h Shows this usage information
--license Prints license information
--third-party-notices Prints third-party notices
bicep build-params <file>
Builds .bicepparam file.
<file> The input Bicepparam file
--bicep-file <file> Verifies if the specified bicep file path matches the one provided in the params file using declaration
--outfile <file> Saves the param output json as the specified file path.
--stdout Prints the param and bicep json output to stdout.
--no-restore Builds the bicep file (referenced in using declaration) without restoring external modules.
bicep build-params params.bicepparam
bicep build-params params.bicepparam --stdout
bicep build-params params.bicepparam --outfile otherParams.json
bicep build-params params.bicepparam --no-restore
Installation on mega-linter Docker image
- Dockerfile commands :
ARG BICEP_DIR='/usr/local/bin'
RUN curl --retry 5 --retry-delay 5 -sLo ${BICEP_EXE} "${BICEP_URI}" \
&& chmod +x "${BICEP_EXE}" \
&& mv "${BICEP_EXE}" "${BICEP_DIR}"
- APK packages (Linux):