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sfdx-scanner is a sfdx plugin scanning apex and triggers using Apex PMD, and javascript using eslint

If your root folder is not force-app, please set variable SALESFORCE_SFDX_SCANNER_DIRECTORY

You can select categories and single rules by defining custom arguments (example: SALESFORCE_SFDX_SCANNER_ARGUMENTS: -c "Best Practices,Security")

See more details in Help

Workaround: Restricted to PMD

sfdx-scanner-apex documentation

sfdx-scanner - GitHub

Configuration in MegaLinter

Variable Description Default value
SALESFORCE_SFDX_SCANNER_APEX_ARGUMENTS User custom arguments to add in linter CLI call
Ex: -s --foo "bar"
SALESFORCE_SFDX_SCANNER_APEX_PRE_COMMANDS List of bash commands to run before the linter None
SALESFORCE_SFDX_SCANNER_APEX_POST_COMMANDS List of bash commands to run after the linter None
SALESFORCE_SFDX_SCANNER_APEX_UNSECURED_ENV_VARIABLES List of env variables explicitly not filtered before calling SALESFORCE_SFDX_SCANNER_APEX and its pre/post commands None
SALESFORCE_SFDX_SCANNER_APEX_CONFIG_FILE sfdx-scanner-apex configuration file nameUse LINTER_DEFAULT to let the linter find it apex-pmd-ruleset.xml
SALESFORCE_SFDX_SCANNER_APEX_RULES_PATH Path where to find linter configuration file Workspace folder, then MegaLinter default rules
SALESFORCE_SFDX_SCANNER_APEX_DISABLE_ERRORS Run linter but consider errors as warnings false
SALESFORCE_DIRECTORY Directory containing SALESFORCE files force-app

IDE Integration

Use sfdx-scanner-apex in your favorite IDE to catch errors before MegaLinter !

IDE Extension Name Install
Eclipse pmd-eclipse-plugin Visit Web Site
Emacs pmd-emacs Visit Web Site
Visual Studio Code Salesforce Extension Pack Install in VSCode

MegaLinter Flavours

This linter is available in the following flavours

Flavor Description Embedded linters Info
all Default MegaLinter Flavor 117 Docker Image Size (tag) Docker Pulls
salesforce Optimized for Salesforce based projects 54 Docker Image Size (tag) Docker Pulls

Behind the scenes

How are identified applicable files

  • Activated only if sub-directory force-app is found. (directory name can be overridden with SALESFORCE_DIRECTORY)
  • If this linter is active, all files will always be linted

How the linting is performed

sfdx-scanner-apex is called once on the whole project directory (project CLI lint mode)

  • filtering can not be done using MegaLinter configuration variables,it must be done using sfdx-scanner-apex configuration or ignore file (if existing)
  • VALIDATE_ALL_CODEBASE: false doesn't make sfdx-scanner-apex analyze only updated files

Example calls

sfdx scanner:run

Help content

scan a codebase with a selection of rules

  $ sfdx scanner run -t <array> [-c <array>] [-f
    csv|html|json|junit|sarif|table|xml] [-o <string>] [-s <integer> | --json]
    [--normalize-severity] [-p <array>] [-r <array>] [-e <array>] [--tsconfig
    <string>] [--eslintconfig <string>] [--pmdconfig <string>] [--env <string>]
    [--verbose-violations] [--verbose] [--loglevel

  -c, --category=<value>
      one or more categories of rules to run

  -e, --engine=<value>
      specify which engines to run

  -f, --format=(csv|html|json|junit|sarif|table|xml)
      specify results output format

  -o, --outfile=<value>
      write output to a file

  -p, --projectdir=<value>
      provide root directory of project

  -r, --ruleset=<value>
      [deprecated] rulesets to run

  -s, --severity-threshold=<value>
      throw an error when a violation threshold is reached, the
      --normalize-severity is invoked, and severity levels are reset to the

  -t, --target=<value>
      (required) source code location

      [deprecated] override ESLint's default environment variables, in
      JSON-formatted string

      specify the location of eslintrc config to customize eslint engine

      format output as json

      [default: warn] logging level for this command invocation

      return normalized severity 1 (high), 2 (moderate), and 3 (low), and the
      engine-specific severity

      specify location of PMD rule reference XML file to customize rule selection

      location of tsconfig.json file

      emit additional command output to stdout

      return retire-js violation message details

  scanner run dfa  scan codebase with all DFA rules

WARNING: We're continually improving Salesforce Code Analyzer. Tell us what you think! Give feedback at
(node:1525) Warning: Deprecated config name: apiVersion. Please use org-api-version instead.
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
 NAME                                                   LANGUAGES   CATEGORIES            RULESETS [DEP]                                   ENGINE            IS DFA IS PILOT
 ────────────────────────────────────────────────────── ─────────── ───────────────────── ──────────────────────────────────────────────── ───────────────── ────── ────────
 VfCsrf                                                 visualforce Security              Basic VF                                         pmd               N      N
 VfHtmlStyleTagXss                                      visualforce Security                                                               pmd               N      N
 VfUnescapeEl                                           visualforce Security              Basic VF                                         pmd               N      N
 ApexAssertionsShouldIncludeMessage                     apex        Best Practices                                                         pmd               N      N
 ApexUnitTestClassShouldHaveAsserts                     apex        Best Practices        ApexUnit,Default ruleset...,quickstart           pmd               N      N
 ApexUnitTestClassShouldHaveRunAs                       apex        Best Practices        quickstart                                       pmd               N      N
 ApexUnitTestMethodShouldHaveIsTestAnnotation           apex        Best Practices                                                         pmd               N      N
 ApexUnitTestShouldNotUseSeeAllDataTrue                 apex        Best Practices        ApexUnit,Default ruleset...,quickstart           pmd               N      N
 AvoidGlobalModifier                                    apex        Best Practices        Style,Default ruleset...,quickstart              pmd               N      N
 AvoidLogicInTrigger                                    apex        Best Practices        Style,Default ruleset...,quickstart              pmd               N      N
 DebugsShouldUseLoggingLevel                            apex        Best Practices        quickstart                                       pmd               N      N
 UnusedLocalVariable                                    apex        Best Practices                                                         pmd               N      N
 AvoidDebugStatements                                   apex        Performance                                                            pmd               N      N
 AvoidDmlStatementsInLoops                              apex        Performance           Default ruleset...,Performance                   pmd               N      N
 AvoidSoqlInLoops                                       apex        Performance           Default ruleset...,Performance                   pmd               N      N
 AvoidSoslInLoops                                       apex        Performance           Default ruleset...,Performance                   pmd               N      N
 EagerlyLoadedDescribeSObjectResult                     apex        Performance                                                            pmd               N      N
 OperationWithLimitsInLoop                              apex        Performance           quickstart                                       pmd               N      N
 ApexBadCrypto                                          apex        Security              Security,Default ruleset...,quickstart           pmd               N      N
 ApexCRUDViolation                                      apex        Security              Security,Default ruleset...,quickstart           pmd               N      N
 ApexCSRF                                               apex        Security              Security                                         pmd               N      N
 ApexDangerousMethods                                   apex        Security              Security,Default ruleset...,quickstart           pmd               N      N
 ApexInsecureEndpoint                                   apex        Security              Security,Default ruleset...,quickstart           pmd               N      N
 ApexOpenRedirect                                       apex        Security              Security,Default ruleset...,quickstart           pmd               N      N
 ApexSharingViolations                                  apex        Security              Security,Default ruleset...,quickstart           pmd               N      N
 ApexSOQLInjection                                      apex        Security              Security,Default ruleset...,quickstart           pmd               N      N
 ApexSuggestUsingNamedCred                              apex        Security              Security,Default ruleset...,quickstart           pmd               N      N
 ApexXSSFromEscapeFalse                                 apex        Security              Security,Default ruleset...,quickstart           pmd               N      N
 ApexXSSFromURLParam                                    apex        Security              Security,Default ruleset...,quickstart           pmd               N      N
 ClassNamingConventions                                 apex        Code Style            Style,Default ruleset...,quickstart              pmd               N      N
 IfElseStmtsMustUseBraces                               apex        Code Style            Default ruleset...,Braces,quickstart             pmd               N      N
 IfStmtsMustUseBraces                                   apex        Code Style            Default ruleset...,Braces,quickstart             pmd               N      N
 FieldDeclarationsShouldBeAtStart                       apex        Code Style                                                             pmd               N      N
 FieldNamingConventions                                 apex        Code Style            quickstart                                       pmd               N      N
 ForLoopsMustUseBraces                                  apex        Code Style            Default ruleset...,Braces,quickstart             pmd               N      N
 FormalParameterNamingConventions                       apex        Code Style            quickstart                                       pmd               N      N
 LocalVariableNamingConventions                         apex        Code Style            quickstart                                       pmd               N      N
 MethodNamingConventions                                apex        Code Style            Style,Default ruleset...,quickstart              pmd               N      N
 OneDeclarationPerLine                                  apex        Code Style            Default ruleset...,quickstart                    pmd               N      N
 PropertyNamingConventions                              apex        Code Style            quickstart                                       pmd               N      N
 VariableNamingConventions                              apex        Code Style            Style,Default ruleset...                         pmd               N      N
 WhileLoopsMustUseBraces                                apex        Code Style            Default ruleset...,Braces,quickstart             pmd               N      N
 AvoidDeeplyNestedIfStmts                               apex        Design                Complexity,Default ruleset...,quickstart         pmd               N      N
 CyclomaticComplexity                                   apex        Design                Metrics tempora...,Default ruleset...,quickstart pmd               N      N
 CognitiveComplexity                                    apex        Design                                                                 pmd               N      N
 ExcessiveClassLength                                   apex        Design                Complexity,Default ruleset...,quickstart         pmd               N      N
 ExcessiveParameterList                                 apex        Design                Complexity,Default ruleset...,quickstart         pmd               N      N
 ExcessivePublicCount                                   apex        Design                Complexity,Default ruleset...,quickstart         pmd               N      N
 NcssConstructorCount                                   apex        Design                Complexity,Default ruleset...,quickstart         pmd               N      N
 NcssMethodCount                                        apex        Design                Complexity,Default ruleset...,quickstart         pmd               N      N
 NcssTypeCount                                          apex        Design                Complexity,Default ruleset...,quickstart         pmd               N      N
 StdCyclomaticComplexity                                apex        Design                Complexity,Default ruleset...,quickstart         pmd               N      N
 TooManyFields                                          apex        Design                Complexity,Default ruleset...,quickstart         pmd               N      N
 ApexDoc                                                apex        Documentation         Default ruleset...,quickstart                    pmd               N      N
 ApexCSRF                                               apex        Error Prone           Default ruleset...,quickstart                    pmd               N      N
 AvoidDirectAccessTriggerMap                            apex        Error Prone           Style,Default ruleset...,quickstart              pmd               N      N
 AvoidHardcodingId                                      apex        Error Prone           Style,Default ruleset...,quickstart              pmd               N      N
 AvoidNonExistentAnnotations                            apex        Error Prone           Default ruleset...,quickstart                    pmd               N      N
 EmptyCatchBlock                                        apex        Error Prone           Empty Code,Default ruleset...,quickstart         pmd               N      N
 EmptyIfStmt                                            apex        Error Prone           Empty Code,Default ruleset...,quickstart         pmd               N      N
 EmptyStatementBlock                                    apex        Error Prone           Empty Code,Default ruleset...,quickstart         pmd               N      N
 EmptyTryOrFinallyBlock                                 apex        Error Prone           Empty Code,Default ruleset...,quickstart         pmd               N      N
 EmptyWhileStmt                                         apex        Error Prone           Empty Code,Default ruleset...,quickstart         pmd               N      N
 InaccessibleAuraEnabledGetter                          apex        Error Prone                                                            pmd               N      N
 MethodWithSameNameAsEnclosingClass                     apex        Error Prone           Style,Default ruleset...,quickstart              pmd               N      N
 OverrideBothEqualsAndHashcode                          apex        Error Prone                                                            pmd               N      N
 TestMethodsMustBeInTestClasses                         apex        Error Prone                                                            pmd               N      N
 constructor-super                                      javascript  problem               problem                                          eslint            N      N
 for-direction                                          javascript  problem               problem                                          eslint            N      N
 getter-return                                          javascript  problem               problem                                          eslint            N      N
 no-async-promise-executor                              javascript  problem               problem                                          eslint            N      N
 no-case-declarations                                   javascript  suggestion            suggestion                                       eslint            N      N
 no-class-assign                                        javascript  problem               problem                                          eslint            N      N
 no-compare-neg-zero                                    javascript  problem               problem                                          eslint            N      N
 no-cond-assign                                         javascript  problem               problem                                          eslint            N      N
 no-const-assign                                        javascript  problem               problem                                          eslint            N      N
 no-constant-condition                                  javascript  problem               problem                                          eslint            N      N
 no-control-regex                                       javascript  problem               problem                                          eslint            N      N
 no-debugger                                            javascript  problem               problem                                          eslint            N      N
 no-delete-var                                          javascript  suggestion            suggestion                                       eslint            N      N
 no-dupe-args                                           javascript  problem               problem                                          eslint            N      N
 no-dupe-class-members                                  javascript  problem               problem                                          eslint            N      N
 no-dupe-else-if                                        javascript  problem               problem                                          eslint            N      N
 no-dupe-keys                                           javascript  problem               problem                                          eslint            N      N
 no-duplicate-case                                      javascript  problem               problem                                          eslint            N      N
 no-empty                                               javascript  suggestion            suggestion                                       eslint            N      N
 no-empty-character-class                               javascript  problem               problem                                          eslint            N      N
 no-empty-pattern                                       javascript  problem               problem                                          eslint            N      N
 no-ex-assign                                           javascript  problem               problem                                          eslint            N      N
 no-extra-boolean-cast                                  javascript  suggestion            suggestion                                       eslint            N      N
 no-extra-semi                                          javascript  suggestion            suggestion                                       eslint            N      N
 no-fallthrough                                         javascript  problem               problem                                          eslint            N      N
 no-func-assign                                         javascript  problem               problem                                          eslint            N      N
 no-global-assign                                       javascript  suggestion            suggestion                                       eslint            N      N
 no-import-assign                                       javascript  problem               problem                                          eslint            N      N
 no-inner-declarations                                  javascript  problem               problem                                          eslint            N      N
 no-invalid-regexp                                      javascript  problem               problem                                          eslint            N      N
 no-irregular-whitespace                                javascript  problem               problem                                          eslint            N      N
 no-loss-of-precision                                   javascript  problem               problem                                          eslint            N      N
 no-misleading-character-class                          javascript  problem               problem                                          eslint            N      N
 no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs                               javascript  layout                layout                                           eslint            N      N
 no-new-symbol                                          javascript  problem               problem                                          eslint            N      N
 no-nonoctal-decimal-escape                             javascript  suggestion            suggestion                                       eslint            N      N
 no-obj-calls                                           javascript  problem               problem                                          eslint            N      N
 no-octal                                               javascript  suggestion            suggestion                                       eslint            N      N
 no-prototype-builtins                                  javascript  problem               problem                                          eslint            N      N
 no-redeclare                                           javascript  suggestion            suggestion                                       eslint            N      N
 no-regex-spaces                                        javascript  suggestion            suggestion                                       eslint            N      N
 no-self-assign                                         javascript  problem               problem                                          eslint            N      N
 no-setter-return                                       javascript  problem               problem                                          eslint            N      N
 no-shadow-restricted-names                             javascript  suggestion            suggestion                                       eslint            N      N
 no-sparse-arrays                                       javascript  problem               problem                                          eslint            N      N
 no-this-before-super                                   javascript  problem               problem                                          eslint            N      N
 no-undef                                               javascript  problem               problem                                          eslint            N      N
 no-unexpected-multiline                                javascript  problem               problem                                          eslint            N      N
 no-unreachable                                         javascript  problem               problem                                          eslint            N      N
 no-unsafe-finally                                      javascript  problem               problem                                          eslint            N      N
 no-unsafe-negation                                     javascript  problem               problem                                          eslint            N      N
 no-unsafe-optional-chaining                            javascript  problem               problem                                          eslint            N      N
 no-unused-labels                                       javascript  suggestion            suggestion                                       eslint            N      N
 no-unused-vars                                         javascript  problem               problem                                          eslint            N      N
 no-useless-backreference                               javascript  problem               problem                                          eslint            N      N
 no-useless-catch                                       javascript  suggestion            suggestion                                       eslint            N      N
 no-useless-escape                                      javascript  suggestion            suggestion                                       eslint            N      N
 no-with                                                javascript  suggestion            suggestion                                       eslint            N      N
 require-yield                                          javascript  suggestion            suggestion                                       eslint            N      N
 use-isnan                                              javascript  problem               problem                                          eslint            N      N
 valid-typeof                                           javascript  problem               problem                                          eslint            N      N
 for-direction                                          typescript  problem               problem                                          eslint-typescript N      N
 no-async-promise-executor                              typescript  problem               problem                                          eslint-typescript N      N
 no-case-declarations                                   typescript  suggestion            suggestion                                       eslint-typescript N      N
 no-class-assign                                        typescript  problem               problem                                          eslint-typescript N      N
 no-compare-neg-zero                                    typescript  problem               problem                                          eslint-typescript N      N
 no-cond-assign                                         typescript  problem               problem                                          eslint-typescript N      N
 no-constant-condition                                  typescript  problem               problem                                          eslint-typescript N      N
 no-control-regex                                       typescript  problem               problem                                          eslint-typescript N      N
 no-debugger                                            typescript  problem               problem                                          eslint-typescript N      N
 no-delete-var                                          typescript  suggestion            suggestion                                       eslint-typescript N      N
 no-dupe-else-if                                        typescript  problem               problem                                          eslint-typescript N      N
 no-duplicate-case                                      typescript  problem               problem                                          eslint-typescript N      N
 no-empty                                               typescript  suggestion            suggestion                                       eslint-typescript N      N
 no-empty-character-class                               typescript  problem               problem                                          eslint-typescript N      N
 no-empty-pattern                                       typescript  problem               problem                                          eslint-typescript N      N
 no-ex-assign                                           typescript  problem               problem                                          eslint-typescript N      N
 no-extra-boolean-cast                                  typescript  suggestion            suggestion                                       eslint-typescript N      N
 no-fallthrough                                         typescript  problem               problem                                          eslint-typescript N      N
 no-global-assign                                       typescript  suggestion            suggestion                                       eslint-typescript N      N
 no-inner-declarations                                  typescript  problem               problem                                          eslint-typescript N      N
 no-invalid-regexp                                      typescript  problem               problem                                          eslint-typescript N      N
 no-irregular-whitespace                                typescript  problem               problem                                          eslint-typescript N      N
 no-misleading-character-class                          typescript  problem               problem                                          eslint-typescript N      N
 no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs                               typescript  layout                layout                                           eslint-typescript N      N
 no-nonoctal-decimal-escape                             typescript  suggestion            suggestion                                       eslint-typescript N      N
 no-octal                                               typescript  suggestion            suggestion                                       eslint-typescript N      N
 no-prototype-builtins                                  typescript  problem               problem                                          eslint-typescript N      N
 no-regex-spaces                                        typescript  suggestion            suggestion                                       eslint-typescript N      N
 no-self-assign                                         typescript  problem               problem                                          eslint-typescript N      N
 no-shadow-restricted-names                             typescript  suggestion            suggestion                                       eslint-typescript N      N
 no-sparse-arrays                                       typescript  problem               problem                                          eslint-typescript N      N
 no-unexpected-multiline                                typescript  problem               problem                                          eslint-typescript N      N
 no-unsafe-finally                                      typescript  problem               problem                                          eslint-typescript N      N
 no-unsafe-optional-chaining                            typescript  problem               problem                                          eslint-typescript N      N
 no-unused-labels                                       typescript  suggestion            suggestion                                       eslint-typescript N      N
 no-useless-backreference                               typescript  problem               problem                                          eslint-typescript N      N
 no-useless-catch                                       typescript  suggestion            suggestion                                       eslint-typescript N      N
 no-useless-escape                                      typescript  suggestion            suggestion                                       eslint-typescript N      N
 no-var                                                 typescript  suggestion            suggestion                                       eslint-typescript N      N
 no-with                                                typescript  suggestion            suggestion                                       eslint-typescript N      N
 prefer-const                                           typescript  suggestion            suggestion                                       eslint-typescript N      N
 prefer-rest-params                                     typescript  suggestion            suggestion                                       eslint-typescript N      N
 prefer-spread                                          typescript  suggestion            suggestion                                       eslint-typescript N      N
 require-yield                                          typescript  suggestion            suggestion                                       eslint-typescript N      N
 use-isnan                                              typescript  problem               problem                                          eslint-typescript N      N
 @typescript-eslint/adjacent-overload-signatures        typescript  suggestion            suggestion                                       eslint-typescript N      N
 @typescript-eslint/await-thenable                      typescript  problem               problem                                          eslint-typescript N      N
 @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment                      typescript  problem               problem                                          eslint-typescript N      N
 @typescript-eslint/ban-types                           typescript  suggestion            suggestion                                       eslint-typescript N      N
 @typescript-eslint/no-array-constructor                typescript  suggestion            suggestion                                       eslint-typescript N      N
 @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function                   typescript  suggestion            suggestion                                       eslint-typescript N      N
 @typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface                  typescript  suggestion            suggestion                                       eslint-typescript N      N
 @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any                     typescript  suggestion            suggestion                                       eslint-typescript N      N
 @typescript-eslint/no-extra-non-null-assertion         typescript  problem               problem                                          eslint-typescript N      N
 @typescript-eslint/no-extra-semi                       typescript  suggestion            suggestion                                       eslint-typescript N      N
 @typescript-eslint/no-floating-promises                typescript  problem               problem                                          eslint-typescript N      N
 @typescript-eslint/no-for-in-array                     typescript  problem               problem                                          eslint-typescript N      N
 @typescript-eslint/no-implied-eval                     typescript  suggestion            suggestion                                       eslint-typescript N      N
 @typescript-eslint/no-inferrable-types                 typescript  suggestion            suggestion                                       eslint-typescript N      N
 @typescript-eslint/no-loss-of-precision                typescript  problem               problem                                          eslint-typescript N      N
 @typescript-eslint/no-misused-new                      typescript  problem               problem                                          eslint-typescript N      N
 @typescript-eslint/no-misused-promises                 typescript  problem               problem                                          eslint-typescript N      N
 @typescript-eslint/no-namespace                        typescript  suggestion            suggestion                                       eslint-typescript N      N
 @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-asserted-optional-chain typescript  problem               problem                                          eslint-typescript N      N
 @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion               typescript  problem               problem                                          eslint-typescript N      N
 @typescript-eslint/no-this-alias                       typescript  suggestion            suggestion                                       eslint-typescript N      N
 @typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-type-assertion       typescript  suggestion            suggestion                                       eslint-typescript N      N
 @typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-type-constraint      typescript  suggestion            suggestion                                       eslint-typescript N      N
 @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument                  typescript  problem               problem                                          eslint-typescript N      N
 @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment                typescript  problem               problem                                          eslint-typescript N      N
 @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-call                      typescript  problem               problem                                          eslint-typescript N      N
 @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access             typescript  problem               problem                                          eslint-typescript N      N
 @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-return                    typescript  problem               problem                                          eslint-typescript N      N
 @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars                      typescript  problem               problem                                          eslint-typescript N      N
 @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires                     typescript  problem               problem                                          eslint-typescript N      N
 @typescript-eslint/prefer-as-const                     typescript  suggestion            suggestion                                       eslint-typescript N      N
 @typescript-eslint/prefer-namespace-keyword            typescript  suggestion            suggestion                                       eslint-typescript N      N
 @typescript-eslint/require-await                       typescript  suggestion            suggestion                                       eslint-typescript N      N
 @typescript-eslint/restrict-plus-operands              typescript  problem               problem                                          eslint-typescript N      N
 @typescript-eslint/restrict-template-expressions       typescript  problem               problem                                          eslint-typescript N      N
 @typescript-eslint/triple-slash-reference              typescript  suggestion            suggestion                                       eslint-typescript N      N
 @typescript-eslint/unbound-method                      typescript  problem               problem                                          eslint-typescript N      N
 insecure-bundled-dependencies                          javascript  Insecure Dependencies                                                  retire-js         N      N
 UnusedMethodRule                                       apex        Performance                                                            sfge              Y      Y
 ApexFlsViolationRule                                   apex        Security                                                               sfge              Y      N
 MultipleMassSchemaLookupRule                           apex        Performance                                                            sfge              Y      Y
 ApexNullPointerExceptionRule                           apex        Error Prone                                                            sfge              Y      N
 UnimplementedTypeRule                                  apex        Performance                                                            sfge              N      N

Installation on mega-linter Docker image

  • Dockerfile commands :
# Parent descriptor install
ENV JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk
RUN echo y|sfdx plugins:install sfdx-hardis \
    && npm cache clean --force || true \
    && rm -rf /root/.npm/_cacache

# Linter install
RUN sfdx plugins:install @salesforce/sfdx-scanner \
    && npm cache clean --force || true \
    && rm -rf /root/.npm/_cacache