checkov documentation
- Version in MegaLinter: 2.4.48
- Visit Official Web Site
- See How to configure checkov rules
- If custom
config file isn't found, .checkov.yml will be used
- If custom
- See How to disable checkov rules in files
- See Index of problems detected by checkov
Configuration in MegaLinter
- Enable checkov by adding
in ENABLE_LINTERS variable - Disable checkov by adding
Variable | Description | Default value |
REPOSITORY_CHECKOV_ARGUMENTS | User custom arguments to add in linter CLI call Ex: -s --foo "bar" |
REPOSITORY_CHECKOV_COMMAND_REMOVE_ARGUMENTS | User custom arguments to remove from command line before calling the linter Ex: -s --foo "bar" |
REPOSITORY_CHECKOV_PRE_COMMANDS | List of bash commands to run before the linter | None |
REPOSITORY_CHECKOV_POST_COMMANDS | List of bash commands to run after the linter | None |
REPOSITORY_CHECKOV_UNSECURED_ENV_VARIABLES | List of env variables explicitly not filtered before calling REPOSITORY_CHECKOV and its pre/post commands | None |
REPOSITORY_CHECKOV_CONFIG_FILE | checkov configuration file nameUse LINTER_DEFAULT to let the linter find it |
.checkov.yml |
REPOSITORY_CHECKOV_RULES_PATH | Path where to find linter configuration file | Workspace folder, then MegaLinter default rules |
REPOSITORY_CHECKOV_DISABLE_ERRORS | Run linter but consider errors as warnings | false |
REPOSITORY_CHECKOV_DISABLE_ERRORS_IF_LESS_THAN | Maximum number of errors allowed | 0 |
REPOSITORY_CHECKOV_CLI_EXECUTABLE | Override CLI executable | ['checkov'] |
IDE Integration
Use checkov in your favorite IDE to catch errors before MegaLinter !
IDE | Extension Name | Install | |
Visual Studio Code | Checkov | ![]() |
MegaLinter Flavours
This linter is available in the following flavours
Flavor | Description | Embedded linters | Info | |
![]() |
all | Default MegaLinter Flavor | 117 | |
cupcake | MegaLinter for the most commonly used languages | 85 | ||
documentation | MegaLinter for documentation projects | 51 | ||
dotnet | Optimized for C, C++, C# or VB based projects | 63 | ||
dotnetweb | Optimized for C, C++, C# or VB based projects with JS/TS | 72 | ||
go | Optimized for GO based projects | 53 | ||
java | Optimized for JAVA based projects | 55 | ||
javascript | Optimized for JAVASCRIPT or TYPESCRIPT based projects | 60 | ||
php | Optimized for PHP based projects | 54 | ||
python | Optimized for PYTHON based projects | 62 | ||
ruby | Optimized for RUBY based projects | 51 | ||
rust | Optimized for RUST based projects | 51 | ||
salesforce | Optimized for Salesforce based projects | 54 | ||
security | Optimized for security | 24 | ||
swift | Optimized for SWIFT based projects | 51 | ||
terraform | Optimized for TERRAFORM based projects | 55 |
Behind the scenes
How are identified applicable files
- If this linter is active, all files will always be linted
How the linting is performed
checkov is called once on the whole project directory (project
CLI lint mode)
- filtering can not be done using MegaLinter configuration variables,it must be done using checkov configuration or ignore file (if existing)
doesn't make checkov analyze only updated files
Example calls
checkov --directory .
checkov --directory . --output --sarif
Help content
usage: checkov [-h] [-v] [--support] [-d DIRECTORY] [--add-check]
[-f FILE [FILE ...]] [--skip-path SKIP_PATH]
[--external-checks-dir EXTERNAL_CHECKS_DIR]
[--external-checks-git EXTERNAL_CHECKS_GIT] [-l]
[-o {cli,csv,cyclonedx,cyclonedx_json,json,junitxml,github_failed_only,gitlab_sast,sarif,spdx}]
[--output-file-path OUTPUT_FILE_PATH] [--output-bc-ids]
[--include-all-checkov-policies] [--quiet] [--compact]
[--framework {ansible,argo_workflows,arm,azure_pipelines,bicep,bitbucket_pipelines,circleci_pipelines,cloudformation,dockerfile,github_configuration,github_actions,gitlab_configuration,gitlab_ci,bitbucket_configuration,helm,json,yaml,kubernetes,kustomize,openapi,sca_package,sca_image,secrets,serverless,terraform,terraform_json,terraform_plan,3d_policy,all} [{ansible,argo_workflows,arm,azure_pipelines,bicep,bitbucket_pipelines,circleci_pipelines,cloudformation,dockerfile,github_configuration,github_actions,gitlab_configuration,gitlab_ci,bitbucket_configuration,helm,json,yaml,kubernetes,kustomize,openapi,sca_package,sca_image,secrets,serverless,terraform,terraform_json,terraform_plan,3d_policy,all} ...]]
[--skip-framework {ansible,argo_workflows,arm,azure_pipelines,bicep,bitbucket_pipelines,circleci_pipelines,cloudformation,dockerfile,github_configuration,github_actions,gitlab_configuration,gitlab_ci,bitbucket_configuration,helm,json,yaml,kubernetes,kustomize,openapi,sca_package,sca_image,secrets,serverless,terraform,terraform_json,terraform_plan,3d_policy} [{ansible,argo_workflows,arm,azure_pipelines,bicep,bitbucket_pipelines,circleci_pipelines,cloudformation,dockerfile,github_configuration,github_actions,gitlab_configuration,gitlab_ci,bitbucket_configuration,helm,json,yaml,kubernetes,kustomize,openapi,sca_package,sca_image,secrets,serverless,terraform,terraform_json,terraform_plan,3d_policy} ...]]
[-c CHECK] [--skip-check SKIP_CHECK]
[--run-all-external-checks] [-s] [--soft-fail-on SOFT_FAIL_ON]
[--hard-fail-on HARD_FAIL_ON] [--bc-api-key BC_API_KEY]
[--prisma-api-url PRISMA_API_URL] [--skip-results-upload]
[--docker-image DOCKER_IMAGE]
[--dockerfile-path DOCKERFILE_PATH] [--repo-id REPO_ID]
[-b BRANCH] [--skip-download] [--use-enforcement-rules]
[--no-guide] [--skip-suppressions] [--skip-policy-download]
[--download-external-modules DOWNLOAD_EXTERNAL_MODULES]
[--var-file VAR_FILE]
[--external-modules-download-path EXTERNAL_MODULES_DOWNLOAD_PATH]
[--evaluate-variables EVALUATE_VARIABLES] [-ca CA_CERTIFICATE]
[--repo-root-for-plan-enrichment REPO_ROOT_FOR_PLAN_ENRICHMENT]
[--config-file CONFIG_FILE] [--create-config CREATE_CONFIG]
[--show-config] [--create-baseline] [--baseline BASELINE]
[--skip-cve-package SKIP_CVE_PACKAGE]
[--policy-metadata-filter POLICY_METADATA_FILTER]
[--secrets-scan-file-type SECRETS_SCAN_FILE_TYPE]
[--block-list-secret-scan BLOCK_LIST_SECRET_SCAN]
[--summary-position {top,bottom}]
[--skip-resources-without-violations] [--deep-analysis]
[--no-fail-on-crash] [--mask MASK] [--scan-secrets-history]
[--secrets-history-timeout SECRETS_HISTORY_TIMEOUT]
[--openai-api-key OPENAI_API_KEY]
Infrastructure as code static analysis
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version version
--support Enable debug logs and upload the logs to the server.
Requires a Bridgecrew or Prisma Cloud API key.
IaC root directory (can not be used together with
--add-check Generate a new check via CLI prompt
-f FILE [FILE ...], --file FILE [FILE ...]
File to scan (can not be used together with
--directory). With this option, Checkov will attempt
to filter the runners based on the file type. For
example, if you specify a ".tf" file, only the
terraform and secrets frameworks will be included. You
can further limit this (e.g., skip secrets) by using
the --skip-framework argument.
--skip-path SKIP_PATH
Path (file or directory) to skip, using regular
expression logic, relative to current working
directory. Word boundaries are not implicit; i.e.,
specifying "dir1" will skip any directory or
subdirectory named "dir1". Ignored with -f. Can be
specified multiple times.
--external-checks-dir EXTERNAL_CHECKS_DIR
Directory for custom checks to be loaded. Can be
--external-checks-git EXTERNAL_CHECKS_GIT
Github url of external checks to be added. you can
specify a subdirectory after a double-slash //.
possible to use ?ref=tags/tagName or
?ref=heads/branchName or ?ref=commit_id cannot be used
together with --external-checks-dir
-l, --list List checks
-o {cli,csv,cyclonedx,cyclonedx_json,json,junitxml,github_failed_only,gitlab_sast,sarif,spdx}, --output {cli,csv,cyclonedx,cyclonedx_json,json,junitxml,github_failed_only,gitlab_sast,sarif,spdx}
Report output format. Add multiple outputs by using
the flag multiple times (-o sarif -o cli)
--output-file-path OUTPUT_FILE_PATH
Name of the output folder to save the chosen output
formats. Advanced usage: By using -o cli -o junitxml
--output-file-path console,results.xml the CLI output
will be printed to the console and the JunitXML output
to the file results.xml.
--output-bc-ids Print Bridgecrew platform IDs (BC...) instead of
Checkov IDs (CKV...), if the check exists in the
When running with an API key, Checkov will omit any
policies that do not exist in the Bridgecrew or Prisma
Cloud platform, except for local custom policies
loaded with the --external-check flags. Use this key
to include policies that only exist in Checkov in the
scan. Note that this will make the local CLI results
different from the results you see in the platform.
Has no effect if you are not using an API key. Use the
--check option to explicitly include checks by ID even
if they are not in the platform, without using this
--quiet in case of CLI output, display only failed checks.
Also disables progress bars
--compact in case of CLI output, do not display code blocks
--framework {ansible,argo_workflows,arm,azure_pipelines,bicep,bitbucket_pipelines,circleci_pipelines,cloudformation,dockerfile,github_configuration,github_actions,gitlab_configuration,gitlab_ci,bitbucket_configuration,helm,json,yaml,kubernetes,kustomize,openapi,sca_package,sca_image,secrets,serverless,terraform,terraform_json,terraform_plan,3d_policy,all} [{ansible,argo_workflows,arm,azure_pipelines,bicep,bitbucket_pipelines,circleci_pipelines,cloudformation,dockerfile,github_configuration,github_actions,gitlab_configuration,gitlab_ci,bitbucket_configuration,helm,json,yaml,kubernetes,kustomize,openapi,sca_package,sca_image,secrets,serverless,terraform,terraform_json,terraform_plan,3d_policy,all} ...]
Filter scan to run only on specific infrastructure
code frameworks [env var: CKV_FRAMEWORK]
--skip-framework {ansible,argo_workflows,arm,azure_pipelines,bicep,bitbucket_pipelines,circleci_pipelines,cloudformation,dockerfile,github_configuration,github_actions,gitlab_configuration,gitlab_ci,bitbucket_configuration,helm,json,yaml,kubernetes,kustomize,openapi,sca_package,sca_image,secrets,serverless,terraform,terraform_json,terraform_plan,3d_policy} [{ansible,argo_workflows,arm,azure_pipelines,bicep,bitbucket_pipelines,circleci_pipelines,cloudformation,dockerfile,github_configuration,github_actions,gitlab_configuration,gitlab_ci,bitbucket_configuration,helm,json,yaml,kubernetes,kustomize,openapi,sca_package,sca_image,secrets,serverless,terraform,terraform_json,terraform_plan,3d_policy} ...]
Filter scan to skip specific infrastructure as code
frameworks.This will be included automatically for
some frameworks if system dependencies are missing.
Add multiple frameworks using spaces. For example,
--skip-framework terraform sca_package.
-c CHECK, --check CHECK
Checks to run; any other checks will be skipped. Enter
one or more items separated by commas. Each item may
be either a Checkov check ID (CKV_AWS_123), a BC check
ID (BC_AWS_GENERAL_123), or a severity (LOW, MEDIUM,
HIGH, CRITICAL). If you use a severity, then all
checks equal to or above the lowest severity in the
list will be included. This option can be combined
with --skip-check. If it is, then the logic is to
first take all checks that match this list, and then
remove all checks that match the skip list. For
example, if you use --check CKV_123 and --skip-check
LOW, then CKV_123 will not run if it is a LOW
severity. Similarly, if you use --check CKV_789
--skip-check MEDIUM, then CKV_789 will run if it is a
HIGH severity. If you use a check ID here along with
an API key, and the check is not part of the BC / PC
platform, then the check will still be run (see
--include-all-checkov-policies for more info). [env
--skip-check SKIP_CHECK
Checks to skip; any other checks will not be run.
Enter one or more items separated by commas. Each item
may be either a Checkov check ID (CKV_AWS_123), a BC
check ID (BC_AWS_GENERAL_123), or a severity (LOW,
MEDIUM, HIGH, CRITICAL). If you use a severity, then
all checks equal to or below the highest severity in
the list will be skipped. This option can be combined
with --check. If it is, priority is given to checks
explicitly listed by ID or wildcard over checks listed
by severity. For example, if you use --skip-check
CKV_123 and --check HIGH, then CKV_123 will be skipped
even if it is a HIGH severity. In the case of a tie
(e.g., --check MEDIUM and --skip-check HIGH for a
medium severity check), then the check will be
skipped. [env var: CKV_SKIP_CHECK]
Run all external checks (loaded via --external-checks
options) even if the checks are not present in the
--check list. This allows you to always ensure that
new checks present in the external source are used. If
an external check is included in --skip-check, it will
still be skipped.
-s, --soft-fail Runs checks but always returns a 0 exit code. Using
either --soft-fail-on and / or --hard-fail-on
overrides this option, except for the case when a
result does not match either of the soft fail or hard
fail criteria, in which case this flag determines the
--soft-fail-on SOFT_FAIL_ON
Exits with a 0 exit code if only the specified items
fail. Enter one or more items separated by commas.
Each item may be either a Checkov check ID
(CKV_AWS_123), a BC check ID (BC_AWS_GENERAL_123), or
a severity (LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, CRITICAL). If you use a
severity, then any severity equal to or less than the
highest severity in the list will result in a soft
fail. This option may be used with --hard-fail-on,
using the same priority logic described in --check and
--skip-check options above, with --hard-fail-on taking
precedence in a tie. If a given result does not meet
the --soft-fail-on nor the --hard-fail-on criteria,
then the default is to hard fail
--hard-fail-on HARD_FAIL_ON
Exits with a non-zero exit code for specified checks.
Enter one or more items separated by commas. Each item
may be either a Checkov check ID (CKV_AWS_123), a BC
check ID (BC_AWS_GENERAL_123), or a severity (LOW,
MEDIUM, HIGH, CRITICAL). If you use a severity, then
any severity equal to or greater than the lowest
severity in the list will result in a hard fail. This
option can be used with --soft-fail-on, using the same
priority logic described in --check and --skip-check
options above, with --hard-fail-on taking precedence
in a tie.
--bc-api-key BC_API_KEY
Bridgecrew API key or Prisma Cloud Access Key (see
--prisma-api-url) [env var: BC_API_KEY]
--prisma-api-url PRISMA_API_URL
The Prisma Cloud API URL (see: Requires
--bc-api-key to be a Prisma Cloud Access Key in the
following format: <access_key_id>::<secret_key> [env
Do not upload scan results to the platform to view in
the console. Results are only available locally. If
you use the --support flag, logs will still get
--docker-image DOCKER_IMAGE, --image DOCKER_IMAGE
Scan docker images by name or ID. Only works with
--bc-api-key flag
--dockerfile-path DOCKERFILE_PATH
Path to the Dockerfile of the scanned docker image
--repo-id REPO_ID Identity string of the repository, with form
-b BRANCH, --branch BRANCH
Selected branch of the persisted repository. Only has
effect when using the --bc-api-key flag
--skip-download Do not download any data from Bridgecrew. This will
omit doc links, severities, etc., as well as custom
policies and suppressions if using an API token. Note:
it will prevent BC platform IDs from being available
in Checkov.
Use the Enforcement rules configured in the platform
for hard / soft fail logic. With this option, the
enforcement rule matching this repo, or the default
rule if there is no match, will determine this
behavior: any check with a severity below the selected
rule's soft-fail threshold will be skipped; any check
with a severity equal to or greater than the rule's
hard-fail threshold will be part of the hard-fail
list, and any check in between will be part of the
soft-fail list. For example, if the given enforcement
rule has a hard-fail value of HIGH and a soft-fail
value of MEDIUM,this is the equivalent of using the
flags `--skip-check LOW --hard-fail-on HIGH`. You can
use --check, --skip-check, --soft-fail, --soft-fail-
on, or --hard-fail-on to override portions of an
enforcement rule. Note, however, that the logic of
applying the --check list and then the --skip-check
list (as described above under --check) still applies
here. Requires a BC or PC platform API key.
--no-guide Deprecated - use --skip-download
--skip-suppressions Deprecated - use --skip-download
Deprecated - use --skip-download
--skip-fixes Do not download fixed resource templates from
Bridgecrew. Only has effect when using the API key.
--download-external-modules DOWNLOAD_EXTERNAL_MODULES
download external terraform modules from public git
repositories and terraform registry [env var:
--var-file VAR_FILE Variable files to load in addition to the default
files (see
files).Currently only supported for source Terraform
(.tf file), and Helm chart scans.Requires using
--directory, not --file. [env var: CKV_VAR_FILE]
--external-modules-download-path EXTERNAL_MODULES_DOWNLOAD_PATH
set the path for the download external terraform
modules [env var: EXTERNAL_MODULES_DIR]
--evaluate-variables EVALUATE_VARIABLES
evaluate the values of variables and locals [env var:
Custom CA certificate (bundle) file [env var:
--no-cert-verify Skip SSL certificate verification. Use this to bypass
errors related to SSL certificates. Warning: this
should only be used for testing purposes. Skipping
certificate verification is dangerous as invalid and
falsified certificates cannot be detected.
--repo-root-for-plan-enrichment REPO_ROOT_FOR_PLAN_ENRICHMENT
Directory containing the hcl code used to generate a
given plan file. Use with -f.
--config-file CONFIG_FILE
path to the Checkov configuration YAML file
--create-config CREATE_CONFIG
takes the current command line args and writes them
out to a config file at the given path
--show-config prints all args and config settings and where they
came from (eg. commandline, config file, environment
variable or default)
--create-baseline Alongside outputting the findings, save all results to
.checkov.baseline file so future runs will not re-flag
the same noise. Works only with `--directory` flag
--baseline BASELINE Use a .checkov.baseline file to compare current
results with a known baseline. Report will include
only failed checks that are new with respect to the
provided baseline
output checks that are skipped due to baseline file
--skip-cve-package SKIP_CVE_PACKAGE
filter scan to run on all packages but a specific
package identifier (denylist), You can specify this
argument multiple times to skip multiple packages
--policy-metadata-filter POLICY_METADATA_FILTER
comma separated key:value string to filter policies
based on Prisma Cloud policy metadata. See https://pri
policy-filters-and-options for information on allowed
filters. Format: policy.label=test,cloud.type=aws
--secrets-scan-file-type SECRETS_SCAN_FILE_TYPE
not in use [env var: CKV_SECRETS_SCAN_FILE_TYPE]
enable secret scan for all files [env var:
--block-list-secret-scan BLOCK_LIST_SECRET_SCAN
List of files to filter out from the secret scanner
--summary-position {top,bottom}
Chose whether the summary will be appended on top
(before the checks results) or on bottom (after check
results), default is on top.
exclude extra resources (resources without violations)
from report output [env var:
--deep-analysis Combine the TF Plan and TF graphs to make connections
not available in either
--no-fail-on-crash Return exit code 0 instead of 2 [env var:
--mask MASK List of <resource_type>:<variable> OR <variable> only.
Each entry in the list will be used formasking the
desired attribute for resource (or for all resources,
if no resource given).Notice: one entry can contain
several variables, seperated with a comma. For
example:<resource_type>:<variable1>,<variable2> OR
will scan the history of commits for secrets
--secrets-history-timeout SECRETS_HISTORY_TIMEOUT
maximum time to stop the scan
--openai-api-key OPENAI_API_KEY
Add an OpenAI API key to enhance finding guidelines by
sending violated policies and resource code to OpenAI
to request remediation guidance. This will use your
OpenAI credits. Set your number of findings that will
receive enhanced guidelines using
Args that start with '--' can also be set in a config file (/.checkov.yaml or
/.checkov.yml or /root/.checkov.yaml or /root/.checkov.yml or specified via
--config-file). The config file uses YAML syntax and must represent a YAML
'mapping' (for details, see In
general, command-line values override environment variables which override
config file values which override defaults.