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MegaLinter can run custom commands before running linters (for example, installing an plugin required by one of the linters you use)

Example in .mega-linter.yml config file

  - command: npm install eslint-plugin-whatever
    cwd: root        # Will be run at the root of MegaLinter docker image
    secured_env: true  # True by default, but if defined to false, no global variable will be hidden (for example if you need GITHUB_TOKEN)
  - command: echo "pre-test command has been called"
    cwd: workspace   # Will be run at the root of the workspace (usually your repository root)
    continue_if_failed: False  # Will stop the process if command is failed (return code > 0)
  - command: pip install flake8-cognitive-complexity
    venv: flake8 # Will be run within flake8 python virtualenv. There is one virtualenv per python-based linter, with the same name
  - command: export MY_OUTPUT_VAR="my output var" && export MY_OUTPUT_VAR2="my output var2"
    output_variables: ["MY_OUTPUT_VAR","MY_OUTPUT_VAR2"] # Will collect the values of output variables and update MegaLinter own ENV context
  - command: echo "Some command called before loading MegaLinter plugins"
    cwd: workspace   # Will be run at the root of the workspace (usually your repository root)
    continue_if_failed: False  # Will stop the process if command is failed (return code > 0)
    tag: before_plugins # Tag indicating that the command will be run before loading plugins
Property Description Default value
command Command line to run Mandatory
cwd Directory where to run the command (workspace or root) workspace
secured_env Apply filtering of secured env variables before calling the command (default true)
Be careful if you disable it !
continue_if_failed If set to false, stop MegaLinter process in case of command failure true
venv If set, runs the command into the related python venv
output_variables ENV variables to get from output after running the commands, and store in MegaLinter ENV context, so they can be reused in next commands []
tag Tag defining at which commands entry point the command will be run (available tags: before_plugins)