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This linter has been disabled in this version

eslint-plugin-jsonc uses eslint to lint json, jsonc and json5 (extended JSON with comments & more).

  • To override default configuration, create a .eslintrc-json.json custom configuration file applicable to your project
  • If you have .json files with comments in your project, you may disable jsonlint to avoid false positive errors, by adding the following content in your .mega-linter.yml configuration file
  • If you have your own local .eslintrc.json (or .yaml or .js equivalent) config in your project, you must
    • add JSON_ESLINT_PLUGIN_JSONC_FILE_NAME: .eslintrc.json (or .yaml or .js equivalent) in your .mega-linter.yml config file
    • add overrides property in it

      See code

            "overrides": [
                    "files": [".json"],
                    "extends": [
                    "parser": "jsonc-eslint-parser",
                        "parserOptions": {
                            "jsonSyntax": "JSON"
                    "files": [".jsonc"],
                    "extends": [
                    "parser": "jsonc-eslint-parser",
                        "parserOptions": {
                            "jsonSyntax": "JSONC"
                    "files": ["*.json5"],
                    "extends": [
                    "parser": "jsonc-eslint-parser",
                        "parserOptions": {
                            "jsonSyntax": "JSON5"

eslint-plugin-jsonc documentation

eslint-plugin-jsonc - GitHub

Configuration in MegaLinter

Variable Description Default value
JSON_ESLINT_PLUGIN_JSONC_ARGUMENTS User custom arguments to add in linter CLI call
Ex: -s --foo "bar"
JSON_ESLINT_PLUGIN_JSONC_COMMAND_REMOVE_ARGUMENTS User custom arguments to remove from command line before calling the linter
Ex: -s --foo "bar"
Ex: (src\|lib)
Include every file
Ex: (test\|examples)
Exclude no file
- file: Calls the linter for each file
- list_of_files: Call the linter with the list of files as argument
- project: Call the linter from the root of the project
JSON_ESLINT_PLUGIN_JSONC_FILE_EXTENSIONS Allowed file extensions. "*" matches any extension, "" matches empty extension. Empty list excludes all files
Ex: [".py", ""]
[".json", ".json5", ".jsonc"]
JSON_ESLINT_PLUGIN_JSONC_FILE_NAMES_REGEX File name regex filters. Regular expression list for filtering files by their base names using regex full match. Empty list includes all files
Ex: ["Dockerfile(-.+)?", "Jenkinsfile"]
Include every file
JSON_ESLINT_PLUGIN_JSONC_PRE_COMMANDS List of bash commands to run before the linter None
JSON_ESLINT_PLUGIN_JSONC_POST_COMMANDS List of bash commands to run after the linter None
JSON_ESLINT_PLUGIN_JSONC_UNSECURED_ENV_VARIABLES List of env variables explicitly not filtered before calling JSON_ESLINT_PLUGIN_JSONC and its pre/post commands None
JSON_ESLINT_PLUGIN_JSONC_CONFIG_FILE eslint-plugin-jsonc configuration file nameUse LINTER_DEFAULT to let the linter find it .eslintrc-json.json
JSON_ESLINT_PLUGIN_JSONC_RULES_PATH Path where to find linter configuration file Workspace folder, then MegaLinter default rules
JSON_ESLINT_PLUGIN_JSONC_DISABLE_ERRORS Run linter but consider errors as warnings false

IDE Integration

Use eslint-plugin-jsonc in your favorite IDE to catch errors before MegaLinter !

IDE Extension Name Install
Visual Studio Code vscode-eslint Visit Web Site

MegaLinter Flavors

This linter is available in the following flavors

Flavor Description Embedded linters Info
all Default MegaLinter Flavor 124 Docker Image Size (tag) Docker Pulls

Behind the scenes

How are identified applicable files

  • File extensions: .json, .json5, .jsonc

How the linting is performed

  • eslint-plugin-jsonc is called once with the list of files as arguments (list_of_files CLI lint mode)

Example calls

eslint myfile.json
eslint -c .eslintrc-json.json --no-eslintrc --no-ignore myfile.json
eslint -c .eslintrc-json.json --no-eslintrc --no-ignore myfile.json5
eslint -c .eslintrc-json.json --no-eslintrc --no-ignore myfile.jsonc
eslint --fix -c .eslintrc-json.json --no-eslintrc --no-ignore myfile.json

Help content

eslint [options] file.js [file.js] [dir]

Basic configuration:
  --no-eslintrc                    Disable use of configuration from .eslintrc.*
  -c, --config path::String        Use this configuration, overriding .eslintrc.* config options if present
  --env [String]                   Specify environments
  --ext [String]                   Specify JavaScript file extensions
  --global [String]                Define global variables
  --parser String                  Specify the parser to be used
  --parser-options Object          Specify parser options
  --resolve-plugins-relative-to path::String  A folder where plugins should be resolved from, CWD by default

Specify Rules and Plugins:
  --plugin [String]                Specify plugins
  --rule Object                    Specify rules
  --rulesdir [path::String]        Load additional rules from this directory. Deprecated: Use rules from plugins

Fix Problems:
  --fix                            Automatically fix problems
  --fix-dry-run                    Automatically fix problems without saving the changes to the file system
  --fix-type Array                 Specify the types of fixes to apply (directive, problem, suggestion, layout)

Ignore Files:
  --ignore-path path::String       Specify path of ignore file
  --no-ignore                      Disable use of ignore files and patterns
  --ignore-pattern [String]        Pattern of files to ignore (in addition to those in .eslintignore)

Use stdin:
  --stdin                          Lint code provided on <STDIN> - default: false
  --stdin-filename String          Specify filename to process STDIN as

Handle Warnings:
  --quiet                          Report errors only - default: false
  --max-warnings Int               Number of warnings to trigger nonzero exit code - default: -1

  -o, --output-file path::String   Specify file to write report to
  -f, --format String              Use a specific output format - default: stylish
  --color, --no-color              Force enabling/disabling of color

Inline configuration comments:
  --no-inline-config               Prevent comments from changing config or rules
  --report-unused-disable-directives  Adds reported errors for unused eslint-disable and eslint-enable directives
  --report-unused-disable-directives-severity String  Chooses severity level for reporting unused eslint-disable and eslint-enable directives - either: off, warn, error, 0, 1, or 2

  --cache                          Only check changed files - default: false
  --cache-file path::String        Path to the cache file. Deprecated: use --cache-location - default: .eslintcache
  --cache-location path::String    Path to the cache file or directory
  --cache-strategy String          Strategy to use for detecting changed files in the cache - either: metadata or content - default: metadata

  --init                           Run config initialization wizard - default: false
  --env-info                       Output execution environment information - default: false
  --no-error-on-unmatched-pattern  Prevent errors when pattern is unmatched
  --exit-on-fatal-error            Exit with exit code 2 in case of fatal error - default: false
  --debug                          Output debugging information
  -h, --help                       Show help
  -v, --version                    Output the version number
  --print-config path::String      Print the configuration for the given file

Installation on mega-linter Docker image