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helm lint examine a chart for possible issues.

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Configuration in MegaLinter

Variable Description Default value
KUBERNETES_HELM_ARGUMENTS User custom arguments to add in linter CLI call
Ex: -s --foo "bar"
KUBERNETES_HELM_COMMAND_REMOVE_ARGUMENTS User custom arguments to remove from command line before calling the linter
Ex: -s --foo "bar"
KUBERNETES_HELM_CLI_LINT_MODE Override default CLI lint mode
⚠️ As default value is project, overriding might not work
- file: Calls the linter for each file
- list_of_files: Call the linter with the list of files as argument
- project: Call the linter from the root of the project
KUBERNETES_HELM_FILE_EXTENSIONS Allowed file extensions. "*" matches any extension, "" matches empty extension. Empty list excludes all files
Ex: [".py", ""]
[".yml", ".yaml", ".json"]
KUBERNETES_HELM_FILE_NAMES_REGEX File name regex filters. Regular expression list for filtering files by their base names using regex full match. Empty list includes all files
Ex: ["Dockerfile(-.+)?", "Jenkinsfile"]
Include every file
KUBERNETES_HELM_PRE_COMMANDS List of bash commands to run before the linter None
KUBERNETES_HELM_POST_COMMANDS List of bash commands to run after the linter None
KUBERNETES_HELM_UNSECURED_ENV_VARIABLES List of env variables explicitly not filtered before calling KUBERNETES_HELM and its pre/post commands None
KUBERNETES_HELM_DISABLE_ERRORS Run linter but consider errors as warnings false
KUBERNETES_HELM_DISABLE_ERRORS_IF_LESS_THAN Maximum number of errors allowed 0
KUBERNETES_HELM_CLI_EXECUTABLE Override CLI executable ['helm']
KUBERNETES_DIRECTORY Directory containing KUBERNETES files (use any to always activate the linter) ``

MegaLinter Flavors

This linter is available in the following flavors

Flavor Description Embedded linters Info
all Default MegaLinter Flavor 124 Docker Image Size (tag) Docker Pulls
c_cpp Optimized for pure C/C++ projects 54 Docker Image Size (tag) Docker Pulls
cupcake MegaLinter for the most commonly used languages 83 Docker Image Size (tag) Docker Pulls
documentation MegaLinter for documentation projects 49 Docker Image Size (tag) Docker Pulls
dotnet Optimized for C, C++, C# or VB based projects 61 Docker Image Size (tag) Docker Pulls
dotnetweb Optimized for C, C++, C# or VB based projects with JS/TS 70 Docker Image Size (tag) Docker Pulls
go Optimized for GO based projects 51 Docker Image Size (tag) Docker Pulls
java Optimized for JAVA based projects 52 Docker Image Size (tag) Docker Pulls
javascript Optimized for JAVASCRIPT or TYPESCRIPT based projects 59 Docker Image Size (tag) Docker Pulls
php Optimized for PHP based projects 54 Docker Image Size (tag) Docker Pulls
python Optimized for PYTHON based projects 62 Docker Image Size (tag) Docker Pulls
ruby Optimized for RUBY based projects 50 Docker Image Size (tag) Docker Pulls
rust Optimized for RUST based projects 50 Docker Image Size (tag) Docker Pulls
salesforce Optimized for Salesforce based projects 54 Docker Image Size (tag) Docker Pulls
security Optimized for security 24 Docker Image Size (tag) Docker Pulls
swift Optimized for SWIFT based projects 50 Docker Image Size (tag) Docker Pulls
terraform Optimized for TERRAFORM based projects 54 Docker Image Size (tag) Docker Pulls

Behind the scenes

How are identified applicable files

  • Activated only if sub-directory ` is found. (directory name can be overridden withKUBERNETES_DIRECTORY`)
  • Activated only if one of these files is found: Chart.yml, Chart.yaml
  • File extensions: .yml, .yaml, .json
  • Detected file content (regex): apiVersion:, kustomize\.config\.k8s\.io, tekton

How the linting is performed

helm is called once on the whole project directory (project CLI lint mode)

  • filtering can not be done using MegaLinter configuration variables,it must be done using helm configuration or ignore file (if existing)
  • VALIDATE_ALL_CODEBASE: false doesn't make helm analyze only updated files

Example calls

helm lint .
helm lint --with-subcharts .

Help content

The Kubernetes package manager

Common actions for Helm:

- helm search:    search for charts
- helm pull:      download a chart to your local directory to view
- helm install:   upload the chart to Kubernetes
- helm list:      list releases of charts

Environment variables:

| Name                               | Description                                                                                                |
| $HELM_CACHE_HOME                   | set an alternative location for storing cached files.                                                      |
| $HELM_CONFIG_HOME                  | set an alternative location for storing Helm configuration.                                                |
| $HELM_DATA_HOME                    | set an alternative location for storing Helm data.                                                         |
| $HELM_DEBUG                        | indicate whether or not Helm is running in Debug mode                                                      |
| $HELM_DRIVER                       | set the backend storage driver. Values are: configmap, secret, memory, sql.                                |
| $HELM_DRIVER_SQL_CONNECTION_STRING | set the connection string the SQL storage driver should use.                                               |
| $HELM_MAX_HISTORY                  | set the maximum number of helm release history.                                                            |
| $HELM_NAMESPACE                    | set the namespace used for the helm operations.                                                            |
| $HELM_NO_PLUGINS                   | disable plugins. Set HELM_NO_PLUGINS=1 to disable plugins.                                                 |
| $HELM_PLUGINS                      | set the path to the plugins directory                                                                      |
| $HELM_REGISTRY_CONFIG              | set the path to the registry config file.                                                                  |
| $HELM_REPOSITORY_CACHE             | set the path to the repository cache directory                                                             |
| $HELM_REPOSITORY_CONFIG            | set the path to the repositories file.                                                                     |
| $KUBECONFIG                        | set an alternative Kubernetes configuration file (default "~/.kube/config")                                |
| $HELM_KUBEAPISERVER                | set the Kubernetes API Server Endpoint for authentication                                                  |
| $HELM_KUBECAFILE                   | set the Kubernetes certificate authority file.                                                             |
| $HELM_KUBEASGROUPS                 | set the Groups to use for impersonation using a comma-separated list.                                      |
| $HELM_KUBEASUSER                   | set the Username to impersonate for the operation.                                                         |
| $HELM_KUBECONTEXT                  | set the name of the kubeconfig context.                                                                    |
| $HELM_KUBETOKEN                    | set the Bearer KubeToken used for authentication.                                                          |
| $HELM_KUBEINSECURE_SKIP_TLS_VERIFY | indicate if the Kubernetes API server's certificate validation should be skipped (insecure)                |
| $HELM_KUBETLS_SERVER_NAME          | set the server name used to validate the Kubernetes API server certificate                                 |
| $HELM_BURST_LIMIT                  | set the default burst limit in the case the server contains many CRDs (default 100, -1 to disable)         |
| $HELM_QPS                          | set the Queries Per Second in cases where a high number of calls exceed the option for higher burst values |

Helm stores cache, configuration, and data based on the following configuration order:

- If a HELM_*_HOME environment variable is set, it will be used
- Otherwise, on systems supporting the XDG base directory specification, the XDG variables will be used
- When no other location is set a default location will be used based on the operating system

By default, the default directories depend on the Operating System. The defaults are listed below:

| Operating System | Cache Path                | Configuration Path             | Data Path               |
| Linux            | $HOME/.cache/helm         | $HOME/.config/helm             | $HOME/.local/share/helm |
| macOS            | $HOME/Library/Caches/helm | $HOME/Library/Preferences/helm | $HOME/Library/helm      |
| Windows          | %TEMP%\helm               | %APPDATA%\helm                 | %APPDATA%\helm          |

  helm [command]

Available Commands:
  completion  generate autocompletion scripts for the specified shell
  create      create a new chart with the given name
  dependency  manage a chart's dependencies
  env         helm client environment information
  get         download extended information of a named release
  help        Help about any command
  history     fetch release history
  install     install a chart
  lint        examine a chart for possible issues
  list        list releases
  package     package a chart directory into a chart archive
  plugin      install, list, or uninstall Helm plugins
  pull        download a chart from a repository and (optionally) unpack it in local directory
  push        push a chart to remote
  registry    login to or logout from a registry
  repo        add, list, remove, update, and index chart repositories
  rollback    roll back a release to a previous revision
  search      search for a keyword in charts
  show        show information of a chart
  status      display the status of the named release
  template    locally render templates
  test        run tests for a release
  uninstall   uninstall a release
  upgrade     upgrade a release
  verify      verify that a chart at the given path has been signed and is valid
  version     print the client version information

      --burst-limit int                 client-side default throttling limit (default 100)
      --debug                           enable verbose output
  -h, --help                            help for helm
      --kube-apiserver string           the address and the port for the Kubernetes API server
      --kube-as-group stringArray       group to impersonate for the operation, this flag can be repeated to specify multiple groups.
      --kube-as-user string             username to impersonate for the operation
      --kube-ca-file string             the certificate authority file for the Kubernetes API server connection
      --kube-context string             name of the kubeconfig context to use
      --kube-insecure-skip-tls-verify   if true, the Kubernetes API server's certificate will not be checked for validity. This will make your HTTPS connections insecure
      --kube-tls-server-name string     server name to use for Kubernetes API server certificate validation. If it is not provided, the hostname used to contact the server is used
      --kube-token string               bearer token used for authentication
      --kubeconfig string               path to the kubeconfig file
  -n, --namespace string                namespace scope for this request
      --qps float32                     queries per second used when communicating with the Kubernetes API, not including bursting
      --registry-config string          path to the registry config file (default "/root/.config/helm/registry/config.json")
      --repository-cache string         path to the file containing cached repository indexes (default "/root/.cache/helm/repository")
      --repository-config string        path to the file containing repository names and URLs (default "/root/.config/helm/repositories.yaml")

Use "helm [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Installation on mega-linter Docker image

  • APK packages (Linux):