MegaLinter can run custom commands before running linters (for example, installing an plugin required by one of the linters you use)
Example in .mega-linter.yml
config file
- command: npm install eslint-plugin-whatever
cwd: root # Will be run at the root of MegaLinter docker image
secured_env: true # True by default, but if defined to false, no global variable will be hidden (for example if you need GITHUB_TOKEN)
run_before_linters: True # Will be run before the execution of the linters themselves, required for npm/pip commands that cannot be run in parallel
- command: echo "pre-test command has been called"
cwd: workspace # Will be run at the root of the workspace (usually your repository root)
continue_if_failed: False # Will stop the process if command is failed (return code > 0)
- command: pip install flake8-cognitive-complexity
venv: flake8 # Will be run within flake8 python virtualenv. There is one virtualenv per python-based linter, with the same name
- command: export MY_OUTPUT_VAR="my output var" && export MY_OUTPUT_VAR2="my output var2"
output_variables: ["MY_OUTPUT_VAR","MY_OUTPUT_VAR2"] # Will collect the values of output variables and update MegaLinter own ENV context
- command: echo "Some command called before loading MegaLinter plugins"
cwd: workspace # Will be run at the root of the workspace (usually your repository root)
continue_if_failed: False # Will stop the process if command is failed (return code > 0)
tag: before_plugins # Tag indicating that the command will be run before loading plugins
- command: echo "Some command called after running MegaLinter linters"
run_after_linters: True # Will be run after the execution of the linters themselves
Property | Description | Default value |
command | Command line to run | Mandatory |
cwd | Directory where to run the command (workspace or root ) |
workspace |
run_before_linters | If set to true , runs the command before the execution of the linters themselves, required for npm/pip commands that cannot be run in parallel |
false |
run_after_linters | If set to true , runs the command after the execution of the linters themselves |
false |
secured_env | Apply filtering of secured env variables before calling the command (default true) Be careful if you disable it ! |
true |
continue_if_failed | If set to false , stop MegaLinter process in case of command failure |
true |
venv | If set, runs the command into the related python venv | |
output_variables | ENV variables to get from output after running the commands, and store in MegaLinter ENV context, so they can be reused in next commands | [] |
tag | Tag defining at which commands entry point the command will be run (available tags: before_plugins ) |