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They use MegaLinter

Here is a non-exhaustive list of open-source projects that use Megalinter

According to posted issues, there are many more private and self-hosted repos using MegaLinter but as we don't track them I can't provide a list :)

nektos/act - GitHub stepancheg/rust-protobuf - GitHub IlanCosman/tide - GitHub dorssel/usbipd-win - GitHub microsoft/code-with-engineering-playbook - GitHub oxsecurity/megalinter - GitHub flosse/sloc - GitHub onedr0p/flux-cluster-template - GitHub onedr0p/home-ops - GitHub unixorn/git-extra-commands - GitHub unixorn/zsh-quickstart-kit - GitHub secureCodeBox/secureCodeBox - GitHub awslabs/aws-deployment-framework - GitHub KelvinTegelaar/CIPP - GitHub practicalli/clojure-deps-edn - GitHub llaville/php-compatinfo - GitHub ruzickap/packer-templates - GitHub OCSInventory-NG/OCSInventory-Server - GitHub xUnholy/k8s-gitops - GitHub bjw-s/home-ops - GitHub leosuncin/nest-auth-example - GitHub meichthys/foss_photo_libraries - GitHub toboshii/home-ops - GitHub unixorn/tumult.plugin.zsh - GitHub joeygoksu/prime-nestjs - GitHub nvuillam/npm-groovy-lint - GitHub carpenike/k8s-gitops - GitHub newrelic/newrelic-python-agent - GitHub T145/black-mirror - GitHub cbg-ethz/V-pipe - GitHub practicalli/spacemacs - GitHub practicalli/spacemacs - GitHub oasisprotocol/oasis-wallet-web - GitHub Azure/ARO-RP - GitHub unixorn/lima-xbar-plugin - GitHub telstra/open-kilda - GitHub philips-software/amp-embedded-infra-lib - GitHub rasa/scoops - GitHub auricom/home-ops - GitHub catthehacker/docker_images - GitHub unixorn/warhol.plugin.zsh - GitHub ahmadnassri/node-glob-promise - GitHub llaville/umlwriter - GitHub stepancheg/rust-tls-api - GitHub practicalli/clojure - GitHub nvuillam/sfdx-essentials - GitHub hardisgroupcom/sfdx-hardis - GitHub jr0dd/home-ops - GitHub 0dragosh/homelab - GitHub quackduck/secret - GitHub AlbanAndrieu/ansible-windows - GitHub MythicDrops/MythicDrops - GitHub GrandMoff100/HomeAssistantAPI - GitHub rwaltr/home-ops - GitHub ahmadnassri/node-pretty-exceptions - GitHub ahmadnassri/node-nightwatch-accessibility - GitHub GSA/usagov-benefits-eligibility - GitHub Amplitude-Developer-Docs/amplitude-dev-center - GitHub hardisgroupcom/vscode-sfdx-hardis - GitHub practicalli/clojurescript - GitHub LiveEnhancementSuite/HSModule - GitHub svt/open-source-project-template - GitHub arbitraryexecution/compound-monitoring - GitHub practicalli/clojurescript - GitHub quackduck/ncis - GitHub eresturo/scanadf2docspell - GitHub lars-reimann/api-editor - GitHub jokay/docker-ccu-historian - GitHub Qarj/WebImblaze - GitHub llaville/php-compatinfo-db - GitHub wareismymind/peer - GitHub AErmie/DevSecOps - GitHub ScribeMD/rootless-docker - GitHub janderssonse/gradle-versions-filter-plugin - GitHub nvuillam/markdown-table-formatter - GitHub AliceO2Group/O2Physics - GitHub ahmadnassri/node-oas-fastify - GitHub chgl/kube-powertools - GitHub ScribeMD/slack-templates - GitHub GSA/site-scanning-engine - GitHub practicalli/clojure-web-services - GitHub xenedium/xecours - GitHub nujiak/recce - GitHub curedao/docs - GitHub nvuillam/njre - GitHub QuantumPL/bib - GitHub iggy/terrarific - GitHub dochang/bumplus - GitHub ADFC-Hamburg/adfc-ansible - GitHub jokay/docker-prune - GitHub AliceO2Group/Run3Analysisvalidation - GitHub Odilio/microservice-spring-hexa-kotin - GitHub theodore-s-beers/muqawwim - GitHub AlbanAndrieu/jenkins-pipeline-scripts - GitHub tusharshahrs/pulumi-home - GitHub nvuillam/node-sarif-builder - GitHub d-eathrow/anonymousland - GitHub iggy/terrarific - GitHub Eknah/Forradia - GitHub Neragin/cx-bot - GitHub cbg-ethz/SARS-CoV-2_Analysis - GitHub mundialis/actinia-stac-plugin - GitHub r-spacex/submanager - GitHub bsrodrigs/terraform-aws-fully-connected-vpn - GitHub MTUCI-VR/shooter-project - GitHub lpmatos/docker-crypto-miner - GitHub rasa/law-scraper - GitHub tonic-team/ - GitHub epleypa/Home-AssistantConfig - GitHub ewencluley/final-curtain - GitHub thomaseolsen/archaeology_rust_api - GitHub