For performances and security reasons, we can not embed all linters of the world within MegaLinter.
But our core architecture allows to build and publish MegaLinter Plugins !
External Plugins Catalog
Name | Description | Author | Raw URL |
jupyfmt | The uncompromising Jupyter notebook formatter | Kim Philipp Jablonski | Descriptor |
linkcheck | Plugin to check and validate markdown links exist and working | Shiran Rubin | Descriptor |
nitpick | Command-line tool and flake8 plugin to enforce the same settings across multiple language-independent projects | W. Augusto Andreoli | Descriptor |
mustache | Plugin to validate Logstash pipeline definition files using mustache | Yann Jouanique | Descriptor |
salt-lint | Checks Salt State files (SLS) for best practices and behavior that could potentially be improved. | Joachim Grimm | Descriptor |
docker-compose-linter | Plugin to lint docker-compose files | Wesley Dean | Descriptor |
repolinter | Plugin to run TODO Group's repolinter to look for repository best practices | Wesley Dean | Descriptor |
Note: Using an external plugin means you trust its author
Submit a Pull Request if you want your plugin to appear here :)
Use external plugins
Add plugin URLs in PLUGINS
property of .mega-linter.yml
. URLs must either begin with "https://" or take the form of "file://\<path>", where \<path> points to a valid plugin descriptor file.
Note: Both \<path> and the default mount directory (/tmp/lint/\<path>) will be checked for a valid descriptor.
- file://.automation/test/mega-linter-plugin-test/test.megalinter-descriptor.yml
Create your own plugin
You can implement your own descriptors and load them as plugins during MegaLinter runtime
- Descriptor format is exactly the same than MegaLinter embedded ones (see json schema documentation)
- Plugins descriptor files must be named **.megalinter-descriptor.yml and respect MegaLinter Json Schema
- Plugins must be hosted in a url containing **/mega-linter-plugin-**/
- File URLs must conform to the same directory and file naming criteria as defined above.
- For now, the only
attributes managed aredockerfile
instructions starting byRUN