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For performances and security reasons, we can not embed all linters of the world within MegaLinter.

But our core architecture allows to build and publish MegaLinter Plugins !

External Plugins Catalog

Name Description Author Raw URL
jupyfmt The uncompromising Jupyter notebook formatter Kim Philipp Jablonski Descriptor
linkcheck Plugin to check and validate markdown links exist and working Shiran Rubin Descriptor
nitpick Command-line tool and flake8 plugin to enforce the same settings across multiple language-independent projects W. Augusto Andreoli Descriptor
mustache Plugin to validate Logstash pipeline definition files using mustache Yann Jouanique Descriptor
salt-lint Checks Salt State files (SLS) for best practices and behavior that could potentially be improved. Joachim Grimm Descriptor
docker-compose-linter Plugin to lint docker-compose files Wesley Dean Descriptor
repolinter Plugin to run TODO Group's repolinter to look for repository best practices Wesley Dean Descriptor

Note: Using an external plugin means you trust its author

Submit a Pull Request if you want your plugin to appear here :)

Use external plugins

Add plugin URLs in PLUGINS property of .mega-linter.yml. URLs must either begin with "https://" or take the form of "file://\<path>", where \<path> points to a valid plugin descriptor file.

Note: Both \<path> and the default mount directory (/tmp/lint/\<path>) will be checked for a valid descriptor.


  - file://.automation/test/mega-linter-plugin-test/test.megalinter-descriptor.yml

Create your own plugin

You can implement your own descriptors and load them as plugins during MegaLinter runtime


  • For now, the only install attributes managed are dockerfile instructions starting by RUN