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Why AGPL V3 License ?

MegaLinter is an open-source and free tool graciously provided to the developer community.

We don't earn money with MegaLinter, but it takes a lot of time to maintain it, so we want to avoid companies to make money with it by selling software or services without sharing their sources, like it happened in the past with ElasticSearch or MongoDB.

What you can do

  • Use MegaLinter in public repositories
  • Use MegaLinter in private repositories, even commercial ones
  • Use MegaLinter to build commercial closed-source applications
  • Use MegaLinter on on-premise Git services, like Github Enterprise or Gitlab Community Edition
  • Sell professional services to setup and maintain MegaLinter in the repositories of your clients

What you can not do

  • Sell MegaLinter
  • Expose a closed-source online service that calls MegaLinter in the background

What you could do

If you have a professional use of MegaLinter, you can be nice and support us by sponsoring us, and ask your clients to sponsor us too :)

Any questions ? Contact us !