raku documentation
- Version in MegaLinter: 2024.12
- Visit Official Web Site
Configuration in MegaLinter
- Enable raku by adding
in ENABLE_LINTERS variable - Disable raku by adding
Variable | Description | Default value |
RAKU_RAKU_ARGUMENTS | User custom arguments to add in linter CLI call Ex: -s --foo "bar" |
RAKU_RAKU_COMMAND_REMOVE_ARGUMENTS | User custom arguments to remove from command line before calling the linter Ex: -s --foo "bar" |
RAKU_RAKU_FILTER_REGEX_INCLUDE | Custom regex including filter Ex: (src\|lib) |
Include every file |
RAKU_RAKU_FILTER_REGEX_EXCLUDE | Custom regex excluding filter Ex: (test\|examples) |
Exclude no file |
RAKU_RAKU_CLI_LINT_MODE | Override default CLI lint mode - file : Calls the linter for each file- project : Call the linter from the root of the project |
file |
RAKU_RAKU_FILE_EXTENSIONS | Allowed file extensions. "*" matches any extension, "" matches empty extension. Empty list excludes all filesEx: [".py", ""] |
[".raku", ".rakumod", ".rakutest", ".pm6", ".pl6", ".p6"] |
RAKU_RAKU_FILE_NAMES_REGEX | File name regex filters. Regular expression list for filtering files by their base names using regex full match. Empty list includes all files Ex: ["Dockerfile(-.+)?", "Jenkinsfile"] |
Include every file |
RAKU_RAKU_PRE_COMMANDS | List of bash commands to run before the linter | None |
RAKU_RAKU_POST_COMMANDS | List of bash commands to run after the linter | None |
RAKU_RAKU_UNSECURED_ENV_VARIABLES | List of env variables explicitly not filtered before calling RAKU_RAKU and its pre/post commands | None |
RAKU_RAKU_CONFIG_FILE | raku configuration file nameUse LINTER_DEFAULT to let the linter find it |
META6.json |
RAKU_RAKU_RULES_PATH | Path where to find linter configuration file | Workspace folder, then MegaLinter default rules |
RAKU_RAKU_DISABLE_ERRORS | Run linter but consider errors as warnings | false |
RAKU_RAKU_DISABLE_ERRORS_IF_LESS_THAN | Maximum number of errors allowed | 0 |
RAKU_RAKU_CLI_EXECUTABLE | Override CLI executable | ['raku'] |
IDE Integration
Use raku in your favorite IDE to catch errors before MegaLinter !
IDE | Extension Name | Install | |
Atom | language-perl6 | Visit Web Site | |
comma | Native Support | Visit Web Site | |
Visual Studio Code | Perl6 Language Support | ![]() |
MegaLinter Flavors
This linter is available in the following flavors
Flavor | Description | Embedded linters | Info | |
![]() |
all | Default MegaLinter Flavor | 125 |
Behind the scenes
How are identified applicable files
- File extensions:
How the linting is performed
- raku is called one time by identified file (
CLI lint mode)
Example calls
raku -I ./lib -c myfile.raku
Help content
/opt/rakudo-pkg/bin/../share/perl6/runtime/perl6.moarvm [switches] [--] [programfile] [arguments]
With no arguments, enters a REPL (see --repl-mode option).
With a "[programfile]" or the "-e" option, compiles the given program
and, by default, also executes the compiled code.
- read program source from STDIN or start REPL if a TTY
-c check syntax only (runs BEGIN and CHECK blocks)
--rakudoc extract documentation and print it as text
--rakudoc=module use RakuDoc::To::[module] to render inline documentation
-e program one line of program, strict is enabled by default
-h, --help display this help text
-n run program once for each line of input
-p same as -n, but also print $_ at the end of lines
-I path adds the path to the module search path
-M module loads the module prior to running the program
--target=stage specify compilation stage to emit
--optimize=level use the given level of optimization (0..3)
--rakudo-home=path Override the path of the Rakudo runtime files
-o, --output=name specify name of output file
-v, --version display version information
-V print configuration summary
--stagestats display time spent in the compilation stages
--ll-exception display a low level backtrace on errors
--doc extract documentation and print it as text
--doc=module use Pod::To::[module] to render inline documentation
when running without "-e", a REPL is started.
In this scenario, the repl-mode is automatically set
to 'tty'. A user may choose to specify 'tty' explicitly
in order to ensure that the REPL is only run under a TTY.
In cases where a REPL session may be running outside
of a TTY, such as in a spawned sub-process, the
user should specify a repl-mode of 'process'.
If the user desires to have no REPL machinery loaded
at all, the repl-mode can be set to 'disabled'.
With this setting STDIN is read entirely (until EOF)
and evaluated as if it were a program, without any
extra output.
Both 'process' and 'disabled' options bypass
TTY detection.
--profile[=name] write profile information to a file
Extension controls format:
.json outputs in JSON
.sql outputs in SQL
any other extension outputs in HTML
write compile-time profile information to a file
Extension controls format:
.json outputs in JSON
.sql outputs in SQL
any other extension outputs in HTML
choose the type of profile to generate
instrumented - performance measurements (default)
heap - record heap snapshots after every garbage
collector run
provide a different filename for profile.
Extension controls format:
.json outputs in JSON
.sql outputs in SQL
any other extension outputs in HTML
This option will go away in a future Rakudo release
write profile information for the given compilation
stage to a file. Use --profile-compile to set name
and format
--full-cleanup try to free all memory and exit cleanly
--debug-port=port listen for incoming debugger connections
--debug-suspend pause execution at the entry point
--tracing output a line to stderr on every interpreter instr
(only if enabled in MoarVM)
Note that only boolean single-letter options may be bundled.
The following environment variables are respected:
RAKULIB Modify the module search path
PERL6LIB Modify the module search path (DEPRECATED)
NQP_HOME Override the path of the NQP runtime files
RAKUDO_HOME Override the path of the Rakudo runtime files
Installation on mega-linter Docker image
- Dockerfile commands :
# renovate: datasource=github-tags depName=nxadm/rakudo-pkg
RUN curl -L "https://github.com/nxadm/rakudo-pkg/releases/download/v${RAKU_RAKU_VERSION}/rakudo-pkg-Alpine${RAKU_RAKU_ALPINE_VERSION}_${RAKU_RAKU_VERSION}-01_x86_64.apk" > "rakudo-pkg-Alpine${RAKU_RAKU_ALPINE_VERSION}_${RAKU_RAKU_VERSION}-01_x86_64.apk" \
&& apk add --no-cache --allow-untrusted "rakudo-pkg-Alpine${RAKU_RAKU_ALPINE_VERSION}_${RAKU_RAKU_VERSION}-01_x86_64.apk" \
&& rm "rakudo-pkg-Alpine${RAKU_RAKU_ALPINE_VERSION}_${RAKU_RAKU_VERSION}-01_x86_64.apk"
ENV PATH="~/.raku/bin:/opt/rakudo-pkg/bin:/opt/rakudo-pkg/share/perl6/site/bin:$PATH"